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Disability Art
Culture Project

“People are often judged on their appearances and abilities. People with visible disabilities are underestimated in their abilities, and people with invisible disabilities are expected to perform in ways that are physically impossible. Inclusive dance is a great equalizer, allowing each of us to perform in a way that contributes to the overall vision of a piece.” -dancer, Karen Kilburn

Friends First Disability Pride & Culture Club

Monthly club meetings with topics and activities that focus on the arts and disability culture i.e. theater games, disability films, visual arts, guest artists etc.

Meet every third Thursday of the month 6:30-8pm

Grant High room 130

Inclusive Dance!

Experience different inclusive dance methods from improvisation to contemporary dance. For more information and to sign up contact Kathy at 503-238-0723 or

Youth Performance
A socio drama is a play with a purpose.   Students will be creating their own performance about inclusive communities between people with and without disabilities. This will be performed at the 2008 Disability Pride Art and Culture Festival.  No experience necessary! Each week, we will play theatre games and create improvisations through movement and words.  Student’s will share their own ideas about how they see the world, voice their opinions and share their views in a shared process of performance.

For more information and to sign up contact:

Kathy at 503-238-0723 or

A collaborative program of the Karen Gaffney Foundation and the Disability Art and Culture Project.